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Past events

Behind the Art - Suoma and Raimo Yli-Suvanto
20. - 21.7.2024
Artists Raimo and Suoma Yli-Suvanto explained the stories behing their paintings, sculptures and photographs in this 1,5 hour event.

They made their careers in Rovaniemi, and after retiring built a new home and studio in Kuusamo. In the middle of forests and lakes they opened Shamaangalleria, which has many benefits for health and wellbeing.​


The exhibition Ice Illusions and Forest Symphony has paintings, photographs, sculptures and sound instruments. Suoma is worried about the environment and that inspires her paintings, which often feature ice and water. Raimo's sculptures look for new innovations to help damaged environment.

Forest Symphony

A side event of Raimo and Suoma Yli-Suvanto's exhibition is the Forest Symphony. The exhibition features several sound sculptures as well as musical instruments, percussion and effects equipment made from natural materials. The Forest Symphony is community art in which visitors form an orchestra and produce together a forested soundscape – the Forest Symphony

Kundalini yoga

19.6 -31.7.2024


Kundalini yoga every Wednesday from 19th of June to end of July.

Kundalini yoga is a technique that helps you take care of your nervous system. It aids your body's recovery during busy times in your life.  It can also be transformative way to focus on your self.

This 1,5 hour exercise includes mantras, warm up, exercise, relaxation and meditation. Each time is different. No previous experience in yoga required.

Your teacher is kundalini yoga teacher Riikka Matala/Joti Savitri Kaur. She has taught hundreds of classes since 2018.

Luovuuden herättelyä - kundaliinijooga intensiiviviikonloppu
20. - 21.7.2024

Kundaliinijooga  on mielen joogaa, joka joogisena tekniikkana auttaa sinua hoivaamaan  hermostoasi. Se voi myös mahdollistaa kehosi elpymistä arjen keskellä. Harjoituksena se voi myös olla tranformoivaa Itsen äärelle pysähtymistä.  Kukin voi hyötyä harjoituksesta valitsemastaan kohdasta.


Viikonlopun ohjaa kundaliinijoogaopettaja Riikka Matala/Joti Savitri Kaur (KRI  hyväksytty/1.taso), jolle itselleen kundaliinijooga on yksi tärkeimmistä  itsetuntemuksen ja itsensä säilyttämisen teknologioista. Hän on istunut  opettamaan taljalle vuodesta 2018 ja on opettanut kansalaisopistolla  viikkotunteja, etänä erilaisia kokonaisuuksia, ja teemallisia  intensiivikursseja. Opetustunteja on kertynyt satoja.

Harjoitus  on mahdollinen myös sinulle, jolle jooga ei ole tuttua, tai koet että  on välillä haastava asettua aloilleen. Tässä joogatraditiossa käytetään usein hyödyksi kehon liikettä ja tietoista hengitystä, myös meditoidessa. Kundaliinijoogan yhteisöllinen energia yleensä auttaa  myös, vaikka harjoitus henkilökohtainen onkin.

Uudet tuulet valokuvauskurssi
touko-heinäkuu 2024

Tämä Zoom-kurssi oli syväsukellus omaan luovuuteen ja tarinankerrontaan ICM-kuvilla.

Katso galleria osanottajien valokuvista täältä.

Alla muutama maistiainen

Gelli printing workshop
23. - 24.3.2024
Come learn the unlimited opportunities of Gelli printing with Mirja Nuutinen.

Mirja has always been interested in various methods of printmaking. She made her first, homemade plates when she was 10, and has since switched to commercially made Gelli plates. In recent years she has made all sorts of experiments, and found many surprising tricks. Mirja uses Gelli printing in her collages. 

Photo show: Elephant seals, the moving meat mountains of South Georgia
South Georgia ​island is 4-5 sailing days east of the southernmost point of Argentina. The island has a polar climate, high mountains, and melting glaciers. Despite being cold and far away from everything, the island is full of life.

Yoga, art and sauna

Come experience an art exhibition in a new way and enjoy the benefits to both your mind and body.

We will get inspired by art, calm down and focus in the present. This yoga class is 60 minutes long and suitable for both beginners and more advanced yogis. After the class we will relax in the sauna.

Behind the Art: Seija Satokangas

Artist Seija Satokangas revealed the exciting and sometimes funny stories behind her art.

Seija is from Lohiniva. When she was 16, she told her father that she's going to be an artist. Her father did not allow this. Seija made her career in restaurant business in Finland, Estonia and Sweden. But, the unlimited love for art has followed her for her entire life. Today Seija is happy with her art, but getting here has been an adventure, and it continues...

Seija's art is very diverse both in style and technique.

Action painting workshop
29.9 - 1.10.2023


During her exhibition Seija Satokangas taught two workshops on Action Painting. The students could make a painting to fit their own interior decoration taste, or maybe a gift for a friend.

Creative Photography with Ari-Matti Nikula
29.9 - 1.10.2023

Learn creative nature photography in an artistic environment. In this workshop the focus is on ICM photgraphy (Intentional Camera Movement) and vaseline filter photography. Ari-Matti Nikula is a nature photographer from Kuusamo and one of the leading creative photographers in Finland. Experimental and creative view of nature is his favourite thing in photography.

Behind the Art: Päivi Lundvall and Mirja Nuutinen

Mirja Nuutinen and Päivi Lundvall revealed the stories behind their art when interviewed by Mari Mäkiranta.


Päivi photographsa the moods of nature creatively and with an expressive touch. Mirja makes collages of her paintings, drawings and photographs. They challenge each other to this dialogue of views almost daily.


Dr. Mari Mäkiranta is an artist and researcher. She teaches in University of Lapland.

Photo show: Ross sea, Antarctica
27.4.2023 6 pm

Kaisa Sirén spent a month at Ross Sea in Antarctica. It is far from everything and massive. Most of Ross Sea is covered by the Ross Ice Shelf, and the remainder is navigable for only 1,5 months in the Antarctic Summer.

Come to hear the stories of ice, leopard seals, whales and penguins.

Behind the Art: Liisa Halonen-Laiti, Kati Kanto, Tytti Muurinen, Tuomo Tiensuu and Sisko Ylimartimo

The artists behind the exhibition reveal the stories and inspiration behind their art when interviewed by professor Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja. Come join us and hear the stories and ask your own questions!

This exhibition tells of the things around us that we want to protect. The main focus is animals and plants, rocks, quiet forests, seas, lakes, distant woods, swamps and fells, the passing of days and the movement of starts - The change of seasons. We hope theses artworks bring attention to the value of nature, humankind and life. How fragile it is, but at the same time, also strong. We need that strenght now more than ever.


Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja has been a professor of art history in University of Lapland since 2004. Her research focuses on the art and culture of North Barents region and Finnish contemporary art.


Behind the Art: Matti Saanio

Dr. Mervi Löfgren Autti explains the stories and backgrounds of Matti Saanio's life and photography. Come and ask questions!


Matti Saanio (1925-2006) is known for his photos of the life and people of Lapland.  The photos of this exhibition show the recent history of Lapland. Among Saanio's common themes were log rafting, rebuilding after the Lapland war, resettlers, and the general everyday life in rural Lapland.

The quiet colors of eastern Greenland

The scale of Greenland is unbelievable. There are no trees or people, and from a photo you cant see if the icebergs are the size of a car or an apartment block. Kaisa Sirén went on a photography trip to Scoresby Sound fjord in eastern Greenland.

There is a lot of surprising beauty and colors in Greenland. Come and see!

The quiet colors of eastern Greenland

The scale of Greenland is unbelievable. There are no trees or people, and from a photo you cant see if the icebergs are the size of a car or an apartment block. Kaisa Sirén went on a photography trip to Scoresby Sound fjord in eastern Greenland.

There is a lot of surprising beauty and colors in Greenland. Come and see!

Creative photography with Ari-Matti Nikula
28. - 30.10.2022


Learn creative nature photography in an artistic environment. In this workshop the focus is on ICM photgraphy (Intentional Camera Movement) and vaseline filter photography. Ari-Matti Nikula is a nature photographer from Kuusamo and one of the leading creative photographers in Finland. Experimental and creative view of nature is his favourite thing in photography.

Oil painting technique
15.- 16.10.2022


This two day workshop includes the basics of oil painting and is suitable for beginners and people looking to refresh their old painting skills.

Photo show New Zealand


The nature in New Zealand is very diverse. It has everything from glaciers to thick forests and epic fjords. And lots of birds. Kaisa Sirén went there in 2015, and now you have a chance to join us in Villa Vinkkeli for the show.

Abstract intuitive painting workshop
Do you believe that you can't paint or that you are not creative enough? Or maybe you do paint, but you need new inspiration?​

In this workshop we ignore all self doubts and let intuition lead us to the wonderful world of abstract painting. You dont need any painting experience here. We use music, movement and the feelings created by them to lead us.

Yoga, art and sauna

Come experience an art exhibition in a new way and enjoy the benefits to both your mind and body.

We will get inspired by art, calm down and focus in the present. This yoga class is 60 minutes long and suitable for both beginners and more advanced yogis. After the class we will relax in the sauna.

Behind the Art: ArtILO
Artist and photographer Kaisa Sirén interviewed the members of art group ArtILO about the stories of their artworks. We discussed inspiration, work processes and their thoughts of working alone or together with others. ​

Photography basics follow-up workshop in Villa Vinkkeli
In winter 2022 Kaisa Sirén hosted a photography workshop for 8 students. It was a deep drive to photography past the basics. We discussed the important foundations of photography: Focus, composition, capturing movement and different types of light.

We met five times and in those meetings we learner theory and prepared for assignments and looked at previous assignments. Discussing the students' photos together proved to be very good way to learn more. After each meeting students got an assignment that they shot between meetings.

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Behind the art - Pirjo Jaukkuri and Juhani Syväoja
Photography alwas includies stories and background of the time it was taken. Is there drama, comedy or perhaps something else? Photographers Pirjo Jaukkuri and Juhani Syväoja reveal what is behind their photos when Kaisa Sirén interviews them in Villa Vinkkeli.

Pirjo & Juhani_MTO5214_LoRes.jpg
Behind the art - Hannu Hautala

Photographers Arto Komulainen and Kaisa Sirén interviewed legendary nature photographer Hannu Hautala. You can watch the recording of the event here, but please note it is in Finnish.

Behind the art - Thierry Chevillard

Photographer Thierry Chevillard was interviewed by Kaisa Sirén in Behind the Art event.

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Photography basics workshops
12. - 13.11.2021

So you bought a proper camera and you are now confused how it works? This workshop by Kaisa Sirén introduced the use and functions of cameras, such as exposure, ISO and aperture.

Life, People - Songs and poems
Three poets and songwriters Kati Kanto, Jyri Ollila and Marko Pihavainio performed their songs and poems.


Creative photography workshop with Ari-Matti Nikula
Come learn creative nature photography with the help of a professional photographer. The focus of this workshop is ICM photography (intentional camera movement) and vaseline filter photography. You can also try Helios lenses.
Ari-Matti Nikula is a nature photographer from Kuusamo and one of the best creative photographers in Finland. Experimental expressions of nature are his favourite type of photographs.

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Behind the art - Wolves and Encounters

Painter Marja Tuominen and photographer Lasse Tuominen were interviewed by dr Päivi Lundvall in Behind the Art event.


Päivi Lundvall. Photo by Marko Junttila

Songs and poems: Sinä ja elämän hymykuopat

Singers Kati Kanto and Tiina Qvist sing songs of love and life. Kati performs film music and other classics. Tiina sings international jazz hits and finnish pop songs. Both also read their poems. Piano by Maie Kuusik.

Meditation weekend
29.-30.5.2021 and 6.-7.11.2021

Welcome to a journey to clear your mind with natural breathing and meditation. Villa Vinkkeli had a two-day meditation and yoga course with instructor Riina Laitinen.

Pinhole camera workshop

This two-day workshop with insttuctor Arto Komulainen offered an introduction to the history of photography, the first cameras and first photographs. Participants built pinhole cameras from common materials, exposed some photographs on paper and developed them in the darkroom.

The workshop was organized by art association Maahiset.

Workshop: Liikettä luvassa, ilmassa ja kuvassa

Photographer Kaisa Sirén taught creative photography.

Photos by the participants:

Watercolor workshop


Painting a watercolor landscape with Tuomo Tiensuu. The workshop was organized by Art association Maahiset.

Hot, Cold Chile


Long and narrow Chile on the coast of the Pacific ocean has everything from glaciers to massive mountains and hot volcanic areas. Kaisa Sirén has visited Chile several times, in the Atacama desert in the north and in the mountains and glaciers of Torres del Paine in the south. In this photo show evening the puma meets the guanaco and the vicuña meets hot springs.

This photo show evening was held online.

Mystical Mongolia


First thing that comes to mind when many people think of Mongolia is that it's far from everywhere, one giant plain full of horses. And that is not wrong. But there are also people. Mongolia's population is about three million, half of which lives in the capital Ulaanbaatar. The country is five times the size of Finland, so the population density on the plains is very low. Kaisa Sirén went camping in the plains and riverbanks in 9/2017, come see what it looked like.

This photo show evening was held online.


Sound healing

Sound healing with singing bowls is a good way to relax in the evening. These events were held in Villa Vinkkeli several times in early 2021.

Elämäni tuulet - Art therapy weekend

5. - 6.2.2021

Are you missing some gentle creativity, colors and light in your life? This weekend workshop offers versatile creative work to bring joy to your everyday life. Come along to find inspiration and inspire others. The group is a safe space for your feelings and thoughts. We usecolors, words, paper, movement and music. You dont need any prior artistic skills - just come as you are with an open mind. This workshop uses the methods of expressive art therapy and neurographic art. Instructor Katja Rakkolainen.

Elämäni tuulet - Taideterapeuttinen viikonloppukurssi
Art Yoga


We spent an hour relaxing and calming down in the middle of the december stress. Art yoga is gentle hour long hatha yoga practice that draws inspiration from art photography. Hatha yoga is not about burning calories, it focuses on breathing, calmness and focus.

Art gallery as the environment brings a new element to yoga. With art you can experience the world more deeply. The energy of the place affects the yoga experience. The beautiful artwork around you helps you find your inner self.

The instructor for Villa Vinkkeli's art yoga was Mari Riikonen, who got her yoga instructor training in Dharamsala, northern India (hatha, vinyasa) and Bali, Indonesia (flyhigh yoga). Mari loves to try different types of yoga.

Taidejooga - joogaa taidegalleria Villa Vinkkelissä
Art and Photography poetry workshop



Theme of this poetry workshop was different sources of inspiration, and haiku and tanka poetry. We found inspiration from photographic art and made poems from that.

Runoilta Sanoja ja Valokuvia
Behind the Art: Heidi Rannisto-Jolma


The artist behind exhibition My Fairytale World - Wings, Heidi Rannisto-Jolma, was interviewed by professor Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja in our Behind the Art event.

Few last years Heidi has worked as freelancer translating and writing, as a guide, handy crafter and also in well-being branch - the livelihood is in bits and pieces but there is a certain red thread to follow. She is a freelancer with an artist's identity. She was born in Finland's capital area, but moved to north in 1999 and lives now in Pello.


Tuija-Hautala-Hirvioja has been the professor of art history in University of Lapland since 2004. Her research focuses on the art and culture of northern Barents region, and on Finnish contempory art, especially the Jenny and Antti Wihuri collection. Hautala-Hirvioja works together with the Rovaniemi art museum. She has written ten publications and couple hundred articles, curated several exhibitions and edited couple dozen publications.

Taiteen takana - Taidehistorian professori Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja ja taiteilija Heidi Rannisto-Jolma
Virtual photo show Letters from Kamchatka bears


This virtual photo show was about bears of Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. In Kaisa Sirén's photographs you can see bears fishing for salmon. The photos have lots of movement and emotions, and they show the very wide range of expressions and moods that bears can have. Included are photos from very different bears, from old huge males to little cubs. In Finland most bear photos are taken from a hide and the bears are lured there with meat, but these photos are from the bears' natural fishing area. The bears passed us photographers from only 3 meters distance. The area is unique in the world and photography permits are rarely given.


Photo show was organized by Pohjois-Lapin Kameraseura as a part of Camera Borealis event.

Karhuja Kamchatkalla, valokuva Kaisa Sirén
Sony equipment showcase


On saturday 31.10. Kaisa Sirén and Jaakko Posti has interesting information about Sony's mirrorless cameras. There were also various cameras, lenses and other equipment available for testing. 

Maakotka, valokuva Kaisa Sirén

Photo:Kaisa Sirén

Behind the Art: Tarja Paldanius and Tuulikki Korhonen


Photographers Tuulikki Korhonen and Tarja Paldanius were interviewed by photographer Mervi Löfgren Autti in Villa Vinkkeli's first Behind the Art event.

Artwork is not just emptiness, it always comes from the artists experience and has a story. Is this story dramatic, or comedic, or maybe propaganda? The artists Tarja Paldanius and Tuulikki Korhonen behind creative photography exhibition In Paraller reveal the stories behind their artwork in detail, and Dr Mervi Löfgren Autti interviews them. Come to find revelations and ask your own questions.






Taiteen takana - Valokuvaajat Mervi Löfgren Autti, Tarja Paldanius ja Tuulikki Korhonen
The Lovely Lemurs of Madagascar


Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, about 1,5 times the size of Finland. It separated from the African continent 88 million years ago, which caused the plants and animals of Madagascar to evolve separately from rest of the world. Madagascar is a haven of biodiversity, with 90% of the species living nowhere else. Some of the most famous species are the lemurs, of which there are 100 species. They aren't as advanced as monkeys, but their adorable faces and large eyes make them very relatable.



Lakkisifakoita puussa, valokuvaaja Kaisa Sirén
ICM taidevalokuva, Kaisa Sirén
ICM Workshop: Liikettä luvassa, ilmassa ja kuvassa

9. - 11.10.2020

Photgrapher Kaisa Sirén tauhgt creative photography in Villa Vinkkeli in October. Among other things she taught camera settings for painterly photographs, different camera movements and to hide the outlines of your subject.

Culture Salon

The culture salon is a meeting place for culture lovers. It is a lovely weekend evening with different culture related themes, good food and a bit of wine. Each event focuses on different topic with visiting artists and professionals. After an introduction we all discuss the current topic together. We also view the current gallery exhibition of Villa Vinkkeli.


On Saturday 26.9.2020 our guest were authors Anne Lukkarila and Tittamari Marttinen, and founder of Aviador Publisher Vesa Tompuri. Gallery owner Kaisa Sirén interviewed the guests. We spoke about writing as a career, patience, creativity, the authors' newest books and how to get your own book published.

Kustantaja Vesa Tompuri ja kirjailijat Tittamari Marttinen ja Anne Lukkarila
Kati Kanto and Maie Kuusik:
Song and Poems Ode to Spring

The program of the evening consists of Finnish folk songs which tell about the approaching spring, its light and hope. In the poems and songs we have a brief stop stop in the beauty of Finninsh nature, its forests, grassland and fellsides.

Poems and songs: Kati Kanto

Accompaning with piano: Maie Kuusik


Kati Kanto is Rovaniemi based teacher of Finnish language and literature. She has studies classical singing at the Lapland College of Music and during various courses. Kati Kanto has held many private concerts in which she also has read her poems. Kati has also written 3 poem books, two novels and one short story book. ​


Maie Kuusik is the cantor of  Rovaniemen church. She has graduated from Tallin Music Academy  in 1984.  Besides her daily job, Maie has accompanied many singers and musicians in several concerts over the years. ​

Laulu- ja runoilta Oodi Keväälle
Photo Show from Lake Baikal

3.6 and 4.6 at 6-7 pm

Come see photographs from the ice, ice caverns, unbelievable light and winter atmosphere of Lake Baikal. It is the deepest lake in the world and also one of the oldest. Kaisa Sirén shows her photos of the gorgeous ice formations on the shores and of the abstract shapes of the ice itself. Kaisa is on a photo expedition on lake Baikal, in Siberia, in February 2020.

Valokuvaesitys Runokuvia Baikaljärveltä
Taidekurssi Acrylic Medium Liquitex

Acrylic medium liquitex workshop

1.6.2020 and 2.6.2020

​Come and open the doors to creativity. This is a workshop that suits also those with little experience in painting. ​

At this workshop we use Acrylic medium liquitex –substance to dilute acrylic paints. We try different techniques, e.g. mixing colors in a bowl and pouring them onto the canvas. We also test the effects of adding silicon or alcohol or even warming up the colors. All necessary equipment is provided. The workshop leaded is Pertti Huhtala, the chair of Maahiset and he is assisted by Mari Riikonen.

Words and Photographs Poetry workshop


Get inspired by photographic art - make your own poems

Kaisa Sirén and writing instructor Anne Lukkarila invited people to be inspired by photographs and guided them to make their own poems.

Runoworkshop Sanoja ja Valokuvia

Orangutangs - The men of the forest


Photo show about the orangutangs living in the rainforest of Borneo

Come to see as Kaisa Sirén shows her photographs and tells stories or the orangutangs in the rainforest of Borneo. The lives of the orangutangs are getting difficult because large areas of the rainforest have been cut down.

Oranki, valokuva Kaisa Sirén

Letters from Kamchatka bears


Photo show about bears in the Kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia

This autumn's photo show is pictures of bears from Kamchatka peninsula of Russia. In Kaisa Sirén's photographs you can see bears fishing for salmon. The photos have lots of movement and emotions, and they show the very wide range of expressions and moods that bears can have. Included are photos from very different bears, from old huge males to little cubs. In Finland most bear photos are taken from a hide and the bears are lured there with meat, but these photos are from the bears' natural fishing area. The bears passed us photographers from only 3 meters distance. The area is unique in the world and photography permits are rarely given.

Karhuja Kamchatkalla, valokuva Kaisa Sirén

Life as a penguin


Photo show from the blue and white world of Antarctica


The scale of Antarctica is difficult to understand. The icebergs that float by can be several kilometers long, the glaciers many hundred meters high and the penguin colonies have thousands of penguins. The icebergs have amazing shapes after rolling around in the sea for years. Leopard seals can find good hiding spots when hunting penguins.

And all this is in danger because of climate change.

Valkokulmapingviini, valokuva Kaisa Sirén

In the shadow of the jungle

Kaisa Sirén's photographs of the mountain gorillas and western lowlands gorillas of Africa

In the "Gorilla evening" that happened several times in Villa Vinkkeli people could meet the gorillas of Africa trough a photo show.

Two countries; two gorilla species. First we went to the Republic of Congo to the national park of Odzala Kokoua to see the western lowlands gorillas. We were deep in the jungle in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing there except couple national park buildings and the gorillas.

Next we went to Volcanoes National park in Rwanda to see the mountain gorillas. All of the worlds approximately thousand mountain gorillas live there in a small area surrounded by farmland.

Tasankomaagorilla, valokuva Kaisa Sirén

Somewhere up north

Kaisa Sirén's nature photos from Svalbard

In Rovaniemi Week's night of the arts 8.9.2018 you could travel to very northern scenery with Kaisa Sirén's photos. The trip took us all the way to the northern edge of Svalbard where Sirén had a photography expedition in July 2018. During the approximately 1000 km journey by ship they saw many wonders of the northern nature: Giant groups of birds, obese walruses, bearded seals, unbelievably turquoise icebergs, the edges of glaciers and the king of the northern lands: the polar bear. But the most memorable thing was the peace and quiet of undisturbed nature, and the wonderful light of the north. And since the event happened on the night of the arts, we also had some artistic impressions of Svalbard nature.

Jääkarhu Huippuvuorilla, valokuva Kaisa Sirén
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