Tuulikki Korhonen and Tarja Paldanius:
In Parallel
29.9 - 18.10.2020
Tue-Fri 13-18 Sat-Sun 12-16
Photo exhibition ”In Parallel” shows creative nature photography. Photographers Tarja Paldanius and Tuulikki Korhonen from Oulu have been developing creative approach to photography, getting closer to art. In 2015 they had a breakthrough when they noticed how many different ways there are to see, experience and represent nature. Both Tarja and Tuulikki have a background in art. They have walked together for years, but their signature styles in art and photography are unique. Their inner worlds reflect in their photos, which range from ICM photography to multiexposures. These photographs challenge the viewer to find the nature in new ways.
Tarja Paldanius's greatest passion at the moment is photography, and especially creative photography. Along the years she has distilled know-how from various handcrafts; ranging from floristry to carpentry. She has taken art studies and also taught different groups in the field of visual arts. By creative photography Tarja tries to capture ambience and emotional landscapes, to record vanishing moments. In this process the only tool is camera, which gives countless possibilities for creative work. Different art movements, most notably impressionism, expressionism and naïve art, have had their influence on her current perspective.
The foundation for Tarja's photographs is always some naturalistic phenomenon, rarely the camera captures a totally abstract composition of colours and surfaces. She is inspired by nature and all its beauty; pure, pristine nature
Tuulikki Korhonen paints with oils and acrylics, she does etching and hand printed serigraphy. She paints with a camera as well. For some years the impressionistic nature photography has been ever so dear media for Tuulikki. Nature is her great inspiration, whatever media she is using. Birds, forests, plants, water, ice or light, they are her main motifs. Tuulikki's expression is rather abstract than realistic. She wants to give the viewer a hint and leave space to imagination. This is visible both in her art and her impressionistic photography. But on the other hand she loves birds and photographs them mainly with traditional means.
Tuulikki's art studies have been in University of Lapland open university, the basic and subject studies in Visual Arts. She has taken several courses in etching, lithography, serigraphy and painting with watercolors.
Exhibition open 29.9 - 18.10.2020, opening hours Tuesday - Friday 13-18 and on weekends 12-16.

Tuulikki Korhonen: Heinäkuun kaste
Tarja Paldanius: Mystinen Metsä
Katso kaikki Tarja Paldaniuksen kuvat tässä slideshowssa

Katso kaikki Tuulikki Korhosen kuvat tässä slideshowssa