Heidi Rannisto-Jolma:
My Fairy-tale-like World - Wings
Tue−Fri 13−18 Sat−Sun 12−16
Wool. Mixed media. Textile. Items. Crafting. Experimenting. Photograph. Painting. Paper.
All of this is included in exhibition ”My Fairy-tale-like World – Wings” in Villa Vinkkeli,
Rovaniemi, 16.11−5.12.2020. Where the joy and the energy in life comes from? What has been the remedy when misfortunes came to my path? Creative work, artwork, craft, to face and to touch, a courage to be touched. Art is life and life is art. If I would like to define to what genre my creative work belongs – it would be outsider art or in finnish style ITE, a self-made life.
My aim is to tell about life − love, family, fairytales and stories, roots and friends – funny and not too seriously way with joy and creativity. Thus, the life is not all about sunshine. Light can't exist without shadows.
This exhibition is dedicated to my family and friends and I celebrate my personal growth and survival in the waves of life. And, like the writer Helen Steiner Rice (1900−1981) so beautifully has given a poetical outcome, the power of friendship has been the source of my strength:
And the Golden Chain of Friendship
Is a strong and blessed tie
Binding kindred hearts together
As the years go passing by.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Pello, 1.3.2020
Heidi Rannisto-Jolma
Heidi Rannisto-Jolma is born 1964 in Vantaa, South-Finland, near Helsinki, our capital. She is the first born of twins and also a gemini in her astrological sign. She feels that she has absorbed the culture and art into her veins since early childhood. She moved to the north in 1999 and lives now in Pello, next to Swedish border. Heidi is a mother of three boys (born 1991, 2003 and 2004) and she is married to Heikki since 2003.
Heidi has always loved reading and stories, fairy tales, books and learning. She finds her strength and joy and inspiration from this inexhaustible fountain as well from nature. She made her first crafting and creating experiments with wool in 2000. She has tried an entrepreneurship as handy crafter but sees herself more or less artist, the crafter of unique pieces. She thinks that the artisthood is a happy thing and she thinks that the creating itself, the crafting, the process is more important than the final result. Though the result is important too, but in a different way.
Few last years Heidi has worked as freelancer translating and writing, as a guide, handy crafter and also in well-being branch - the livelihood is in bits and pieces but there is a certain red thread to follow. She is a freelancer with an artist's identity.
Brandname HeiDisain Arts&Crafts belongs to Heidi and it is formed from her first name "Heidi" and from the words "disain" (>design) Heidis services are unique and possible to customise. The basic pillars are art and hand crafting as well writing and language services. She also writes about art (in English) in Instagram @artloversbrilliantday and about her own art (in Finnish) @heidi_rannistojolma
Exhibition open 16.11.−5.12.2020, opening hours Tuesday − Friday 13−18 and on weekends 12−16. Welcome also to the opening on Monday 16.11!

Heidi Rannisto-Jolma: Saahan sitä vähän leikkiä
Heidi Rannisto-Jolma: Elämänkaari
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